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City of New Castle Press Release: City Services Update

Date Posted: Friday, August 12th, 2016

City of New Castle Press Release
City Services Update
August 12, 2016

The City continues to work diligently to manage our resources and provide a positive experience for both visitors and residents.  Due to recent increased visitation, we are adding some additional measures to address safety, parking, traffic and trash concerns through the following actions:

  • Battery Park Hours Enforcement: Based on recommendation from the Police, and in cooperation with the Battery Park Committee, the City experimented with temporarily relaxing late night enforcement as a way to reduce sidewalk/street pedestrian traffic.  Taking citizen feedback into consideration, City police will resume previous practices, and will continue to monitor.
  • Seasonal Police Officer coverage will be extended into the fall and increased traffic and parking enforcement actions including ticketing will continue.
  • Parking meters and resident sticker options are being evaluated.
  • More trashcans and cigarette butt holders with more frequent pickup are being added to Delaware Street and along the Green.

We ask citizens to immediately call 911 in case of any emergency or any time an immediate response is needed.

We are identifying and filling potholes in addition to other road and drainage projects. Please call City Office at 322-9801 if you would like to report any issues in your neighborhood.

We are proud of the safety, cleanliness and beauty of our City and the personal service we provide our citizens and are continually working to better serve our community.