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Meetings & Events

City Council Special Meeting

11/16/2017 - 07:00 PM
Location: Town Hall
Address: 201 Delaware Street
New Castle, DE 19720

11/16/2017 City Council Special Meeting Minutes

City Council of the City of New Castle
Special Meeting at Town Hall
201 Delaware Street – New Castle
Thursday, November 16, 2017 – 7:00 p.m.


1. Motion, Discussion and Vote on Resolution 2017-39; A Resolution to fill a vacancy on the Task Force to Develop and Propose a Formal Code of Ethics For Elected Officials, Board and Commission members and Non-Union Employees in the City Of New Castle. (Councilperson Quaranta – posted 11/10/2017.) NOTE: This agenda item is noticed fewer than 7 days before the scheduled meeting date due to the fact that the vacancy on the Task Force was only discovered on the evening of 11/9/17 and the short term nature of the Task Force requires expedited appointment of a replacement member.

Person being considered for the Ethics Committee
Jerome Rousseau replacing Joseph Wisniewski

2. Special Council meeting to consider potential road and drainage projects for the current fiscal year. (Council President Ratchford – posted 11/09/2017.)

3. Discussion of potential grants and funding options. (Council President Ratchford – posted 11/09/2017.)


Next Regular Meeting Date: November 14, 2017
Posted: 11/09/2017
Note: This agenda as listed may not be considered in sequence, including executive sessions