Meetings & Events

Planning Commission Meeting

04/25/2016 - 06:30 PM

04/25/2016 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes

Town Hall, 2nd Floor Council Chambers
201 Delaware Street, New Castle
Monday, April 25, 2016
6:30 p.m.

Meeting Agenda

1. Roll Call

2. Discussion regarding of Ordinance No. 507, an Ordinance to revise Section 230.21.1 B of the Zoning Code of the City of New Castle to:  (1) Make Stand Alone Multi-Family Dwelling Development Projects in the Downtown Gateway Zoning District Permissible Only with the Grant of a Special Exception from the Board of Adjustment; and (2) require Planning Commission Review and Recommendation for all Special Exception Applications in the Downtown Gateway Zoning District. A copy of this Ordinance is available online at, or in the City office at 220 Delaware Street.

3. Discussion regarding University of Delaware — Student Study of Downtown Parking Inventory.

4. Minor Sub-Division – 322 East 14th Street

5. Discussion and review of preliminary sketches/plans for a reconfiguration of the four approved buildings into one or two buildings for the Riverwalk project on West 7th Street.

6. Public Comments

7. Comments from Commission Members

8. Approval of February Minutes

9. Adjournment

The agenda items as listed may not be considered in sequence.  All meeting materials and/or exhibits are available for view in advance of the meeting by contacting City Hall.  Persons with disabilities requiring special accommodations to attend this meeting should contact the City Office in writing 72 hours in advance of the meeting, stating their needs, in order to have them addressed under the requirements of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Posted:  04/08/2016
Revised; added #4 & #5: 4/18/2016
Final: 4/18/2016