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Posts Tagged With: “City of New Castle”

City Council to Fill Vacancy

CITY OF NEW CASTLE APPLICATION Applications are being accepted for appointment to City Council to fill the vacancy left by the passing of Councilman Albert J. Vannucci, Jr. Applications for appointment to City Council are available at the City Administration office at 220 Delaware Street, New Castle, DE 19720.  Please call 302-322-9801 if you have any questions.  Eligible candidates must have resided within the City limits for the past two (2) years before their appointment and be qualified to vote in the City at the time of their appointment. If you would like to be considered for appointment, please submit application no later than 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 25, 2016.  This appointment will stand until the April, 2017 Election, at which point the remaining two year term for this seat on Council with go up for election.  (Applicants may attach a cover letter and/or resume in addition to completing the application […]


Invitation to Bid – City of New Castle Riverfront Redevelopment Pier Project

INVITATION TO BID Sealed bids for the City of New Castle Riverfront Redevelopment Pier Project will be received by the City Administrator until 1:30 p.m. on Thursday March 31, 2016, at the City Administration Building, 220 Delaware Street, New Castle, at which time they will be publicly opened and read.  Bids received after the stated time will be returned unopened.  This project was first bid in December 2015 but a contract was not awarded. The City of New Castle Riverfront Redevelopment Pier Project involves the construction of a fixed dock structure along the Delaware River to accommodate commercial, institutional, and historic vessels.  The fixed dock will extend from the Delaware Street Wharf approximately 170 feet to the navigable channel.  The project will include a fixed 100 foot long dock, access causeway, access ramp and stairs.  The construction will involve mobilization / demobilization; installation of driven piles; erection of steel framing […]


***INVITATION TO BID*** City of New Castle Battery Park Riverwalk Partial Reconstruction Project

INVITATION TO BID Sealed bids for the City of New Castle Battery Park Riverwalk Partial Reconstruction Project will be received by the City Administrator until 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 3, 2015, at the City Administration Building, 220 Delaware Street, New Castle, at which time they will be publicly opened and read. Bids received after the stated time will be returned unopened. Project involves rebuilding an approximately 350 foot long section of the existing walkway which is damaged. Work includes removal of a layer of the existing gravel walkway, proof-rolling and under-cutting as needed of remaining walkway which will form the new subbase, placement of new asphalt surface, restoration of adjacent grouted rip-rap and grassed areas, and related incidentals. The City intends to enter into a contract with the selected contractor within 72 hours of receipt of bids. Contractor must be prepared to begin work on Monday November 9, 2015, […]


Welcome to the City of New Castle

Step back in time and experience the charm and beauty of colonial New Castle. Walk the cobblestone streets and enjoy the historic sites of this riverfront community. Historic New Castle, Delaware is located just 10 minutes south of downtown Wilmington with easy access from I-95 and I-295. Overlooking the Delaware River, Historic New Castle is the oldest continuously occupied town in the Delaware Valley. And, thanks to preservation efforts, this vibrant, fully occupied community remains one of the most important Colonial/Federal villages in America – second only to Williamsburg, Virginia in the number and authenticity of its historic structures.  The New Castle Court House Museum is part of the the First State National Historical Park. New Castle, originally named Fort Casimir, was founded in 1651 by Peter Stuyvesant, who was sent to provide the Dutch with command of all river traffic. Because of its strategic location, ownership of the settlement […]


FEMA revising FIRMs; City properties impacted

Editor’s note: The following are edited excerpts from the FEMA Flood Hazard Mapping Fact Sheet prepared for New Castle County. This entire publication and a great deal of other detailed information, including draft maps, are available online at (Note the map sections for the City of New Castle are numbered 0162, 0164 and 0166.) FEMA manages the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). This Federal Government program makes flood insurance available to residents in communities which meet certain criteria, including the City of New Castle. Maps created by FEMA include the Special Flood Hazard Area, which is the area that has a 1% or greater chance of flooding in any given year. When FEMA maps flood hazards in a community or county, two products are produced: a Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report; and a Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) An FIS is a narrative report of the community’s flood hazards […]


FEMA proposes changes for floodplain maps

This article from the News Journal (Gannett) New maps reflect greater flood threat Written by Jeff Montgomery and Molly Murray The News Journal; Jan. 06 Several times a day lately, Sussex County official Jeff Shockley finds himself plunging into the fine points of flood plains, prompted by calls from residents anxious about big storms and bigger insurance bills. “There’s been much more interest in the past couple of years, and I think that it’s due to the storms that have hit and missed all around us,” Shockley said. “I get several calls a day from homeowners wanting to know if their property is close to a flood plain, how close they are to a body of water.” The latest surge in interest has coincided with the arrival of new Federal Emergency Management Agency flood insurance boundary maps, slated for public review in coming months. Driving the map revisions, federal […]


Please Help the City by Completing the Parking Survey

The City Planning Commission formed a subcommittee to study parking. That subcommittee is conducting a parking survey. Paper surveys were included along with the December MSC utility billing. Survey recipients are encouraged to complete and return the surveys no later than the deadline of January 11. In lieu of submitting a paper survey, respondents may complete the survey online, by the January 11 deadline, by clicking on the link below:  


City Pier destroyed by Superstorm Sandy

What is left of the New Castle City Pier is shown in a debris pile on the wharf at the end of Delaware Street. See A Full Hurricane Sandy Special Report


HMS Bounty anchored off New Castle

In mid-June, the HMS Bounty stopped overnight and anchored in the Delaware River off the New Castle City shoreline.


City Charter changes fully approved, adopted and in effect

Governor Markell signed HB 307, the final step in approval and adoption of Charter changes for the City of New Castle. The Delaware Senate and House of Representatives had previously approved HB 307, each in a unanimous vote. Click on the following link to read the full text of HB 307 – Charter changes for the City of New Castle: New Charter for the City of New Castle