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Your Opinion Counts! City of New Castle Downtown Development District Online Survey

Date Posted: Friday, January 22nd, 2016


Click to take the Survey.
The survey closes on March 11, 2016.

The City of New Castle will seek Downtown Development District (DDD) designation as an integral component to its comprehensive, ongoing economic efforts.  Along with the designations of the First State National Historic Park and the Bayshore Byway Discovery Zone, the DDD designation will be an instrumental piece in creating a unified story of New Castle’s unmatched history and exciting future.  As part of the designation, the City will prepare a fully grant-funded Plan that:

  • Exhibits the City as a great place to invest
  • Identifies and attracts market needs
  • Strengthens the downtown’s ties to the waterfront
  • Unifies the many stakeholders and initiatives towards a shared goal
  • Organizes businesses with joint marketing efforts and resources
  • Is the primary marketing tool to stimulate economic activity
  • Involves coordinated efforts of the City, State agencies, civic and community associations, and other stakeholders


As part of the Downtown Development District planning process, we are conducting an online survey on the frequency and purpose of consumer activity in the New Castle area, the demand for new and expanded commercial offerings, the factors that influence local consumer shopping decisions, and the needs of local business owners and operators.  The results of this survey will help to identify current and future market opportunities in the New Castle area in attracting businesses that consumers want and need, as well as needs of business owners and operators.

As a current patron of businesses in the New Castle area, a resident, tenant, employee, visitor, or a business owner or operator, we need your opinion!  The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete.