The September City Council meeting will be postponed to September 17th. More Info

Meetings & Events

City Council Regular Meeting

08/08/2017 - 07:00 PM
Location: Town Hall
Address: 201 Delaware Street
New Castle, DE 19720

08/08/2017 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes

City of New Castle Delaware
Regular City Council Meeting at Town Hall
201 Delaware Street – New Castle
Tuesday, August 8, 2017 – 7:00 p.m.

Roll Call
* Minutes: 6/8/17 Sp. Mtg.; 6/13/17 Reg. Mtg.; 6/20/17 Sp. Mtg. & Budget Workshop; 6/27/17 Public Hearing; 6/27/17 Sp. Mtg., 7/11/17 Reg. Mtg.

* Staff Reports
Approval of Treasurer’s Report
Report from the City Administrator & Staff
Council Communications
Business from the Mayor
Business from the Council President
Business from the Floor (concerning agenda items only)

Old Business

New Business

1. Motion, Discussion and Vote on Resolution 2017-28; A Resolution Appointing a New Mayor. (Council President Ratchford – posted 08/01/2017.)

List of Persons interested in being considered for the position of Mayor as of 8/1/2017

William G. Blest
Jeffrey Davis
Vincent “Jimmy” Gambacorta
Dr. Somasunderam Padmalingam
Russell Smith
Peter J. Toner
James A. Whisman
Brian G. Whitaker

2. Motion, Discussion and Vote on Resolution 2017-29; A Resolution to Require the Personal Appearance of any Proposed Appointee to any City Committee, Board or Position before City Council to be made available for vetting by Council members and Public Comment before a Confirmation Vote. (Councilperson Di Mondi – posted 08/01/2017.)

3. Motion, Discussion and Vote on Resolution 2017-30; A Resolution Making One Side of East 12th Street No Parking. (Councilperson Platt – posted 08/01/2017.)

4. Motion, Discussion and Vote on Resolution 2017-31; A Resolution to Establish a Task Force to Develop and Propose a Formal Code of Ethics For Elected Officials and Non-Union Employees in the City Of New Castle. (Councilperson Quaranta – posted 08/01/2017.)

Comments from the floor.

Note: This agenda, as listed may not be considered in sequence, including executive sessions.

Next Regular Meeting Date: September 12th, 2017

Posted: 08/01/2017