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City Code

City Code

The Charter

Chapter C. Charter of the City of New Castle

[HISTORY: Adopted 27 Del. Laws, c. 216; amended in its entirety 78 Del. Laws, c. 267]
Section 1. City Boundaries

The limits and boundaries of the City of New Castle shall be as previously fixed and established or hereafter altered according to law and shall be marked and defined according to maps and plots now of record or hereafter recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds in and for New Castle County pursuant to lawful annexation proceedings. Such maps and plots, when so made and approved by the City Council of the City of New Castle, and signed by the President of Council and City Clerk, and sealed with the City seal and when recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds, in and for New Castle County, Delaware shall be deemed to be the true and correct maps and plots of the City and of all the streets, boundaries, lanes and alleys thereof, and the same, or the record thereof, or a duly certified copy of said record, shall be evidenced in all courts of law and equity in the State of Delaware.

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