Meetings & Events

City Council Public Hearing

04/10/2018 - 06:30 PM

04/10/2018 City Council Public Hearing Minutes

04/10/2018 City Council Regular Minutes 

City of New Castle Delaware
Public Hearing at Town Hall
201 Delaware Street – New Castle
Tuesday, April 10, 2018 – 6:30 p.m.

Public Hearing concerning proposed Resolution 2018-11, authorizing the borrowing of funds pursuant to Section 21 (a) of the City Charter to finance multiple public infrastructure projects in the City of New Castle, such loan to be repaid with funds committed by the Trustees of the New Castle Common.

Posted: 4/3/2018 Posted: 4/3/2018

Note: This agenda as listed may not be considered in sequence, including executive sessions.


City of New Castle Delaware
Regular City Council Meeting at Town Hall
201 Delaware Street – New Castle
Tuesday, April 10, 2018– 7:00 p.m.

Roll Call
* Minutes:
* Staff Reports
Approval of Treasurer’s Report
Report from the City Administrator & Staff
Council Communications
Business from the Mayor
Business from the Council President
Business from the Floor (concerning agenda items only)

Old Business:

New Business:
1. Motion, Discussion and Vote on Resolution 2018-10; A Resolution Approving Trust Memorandum of Understanding. (Council President Ratchford – posted 04/03/2018.)

2. Motion, Discussion and Vote on Resolution 2018-11; A Resolution Approving City Loan for the purposes of Investing in Infrastructure Projects. (Council President Ratchford – posted 04/03/2018.)

3. Motion, Discussion and Vote on Resolution 2018-12; A Resolution Approving Infrastructure Projects. (Council President Ratchford – posted 04/03/2018.)

Public Comments

Executive Session:

1. To discuss personnel matters in which the names, competency and abilities of individual employees are discussed.

2. To discuss AFSCME contractual negotiations.

Next Regular Meeting Date: May 8, 2018
Posted: 4/3/2018
Note: This agenda as listed may not be considered in sequence, including executive sessions.