Meetings & Events

Public Outreach Meeting

04/25/2016 - 06:00 PM
Location: New Castle Public Library
Address: 424 Delaware Street
New Castle, Delaware 19720

Public Outreach Meeting
New Castle Public Library
Wilmington Trust Room (lower level)
424 Delaware Street, New Castle

Monday, April 25, 2016
6:00 p.m.

Notice of Public Meeting

Battery Park Bulkhead Replacement Conceptual Design & Permitting

The City of New Castle will conduct a Public Outreach Meeting on the evening of Monday, April 25, 2016 commencing at 6:00 p.m., at the New Castle Public Library, Wilmington Trust Room (lower level) 424 Delaware Street, City of New Castle, Delaware.

The purpose of the meeting will be to present portions of the draft Feasibility Study conducted for the replacement of the bulkhead west of the Delaware Street Wharf with a living shoreline treatment. The meeting will be a presentation with a discussion period following.

Excerpts from the presentation are available for review online at and at the City Administration Building located at 220 Delaware Street, New Castle, Delaware.

04/12 /2016