Meetings & Events

City Council Regular Meeting

02/13/2018 - 07:00 PM

02/13/2018 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes

City of New Castle Delaware
Regular Council Meeting at Town Hall
201 Delaware Street – New Castle
Tuesday, February 13, 2018– 7:00 p.m.

Roll Call
* Minutes: 01/16/18 Public Hearing Minutes; 01/16/18 Special Meeting Minutes.
* Staff Reports
Approval of Treasurer’s Report
Report from the City Administrator & Staff
Council Communications
Business from the Mayor
Business from the Council President
Business from the Floor (concerning agenda items only)

Old Business

1. Recommendations from Task Force on Ethics:  presented by Katie McCormick, Esq. (Councilperson Quaranta – posted 02/06/2018.)

2. Limited Scope Charter Change-Council Discussion (Council President Ratchford – posted 02/06/2018.)

3. Motion, Discussion and Vote on Resolution 2018-04; A Resolution Approving Changes to the City Charter. (Council President Ratchford – posted 02/06/2018.)

4. Infrastructure Discussion. (Council President Ratchford – posted 02/06/2018.)

New Business

1. Motion, Discussion and Vote on Resolution 2018-05; A Resolution Requesting Funding from the Trustees of the New Castle Common to Support Infrastructure Improvements Throughout the City. (Council President Ratchford – posted 02/06/2018.)

2. Motion, Discussion and Vote on Resolution 2018-06; A Resolution Approving Mayor’s Appointment to the Planning Commission of Russell P. Smith, to fulfill the unexpired term of Joseph DiAngelo. (Council President Ratchford – posted 02/06/2018.)

Russell P. Smith – Term ending – May 9, 2020

Next Regular Meeting Date: March 13, 2018

Posted: 2/6/2018

Note: This agenda as listed may not be considered in sequence, including executive sessions.