Meetings & Events

City Council Special Meeting

10/24/2019 - 06:45 PM
Location: Town Hall
Address: 201 Delaware Street
New Castle, Delaware 19720

October 24, 2019 – Council Meeting Minutes

City of New Castle Delaware
City Council Special Meeting
201 Delaware Street, New Castle
Thursday, October 24, 2019 – 6:45 p.m.

Revised Agenda

New Business

1. Motion, Discussion and Vote on Resolution No. 2019-40; A Resolution Making appointments to the Planning Commission. (Council President Ratchford – Posted 10/15/2019.)
David Baldini – Planning Commission – Term Ending October 24, 2022
Brenda Antonio – Term Ending November 9, 2022

Old Business

1. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 520; An Ordinance to amend Zoning Code §230.21.1 E (1) to permit fence or wall “structures” by special exception on properties formerly zoned Industrial (I) and Service Commercial (SC), but now zoned Downtown Gateway (DG). (Council President Ratchford – Posted 10/09/2019)

2. Motion, Discussion and Vote on Ordinance No. 520; An Ordinance to amend Zoning Code §230.21.1 E (1) to permit fence or wall “structures” by special exception on properties formerly zoned Industrial (I) and Service Commercial (SC), but now zoned Downtown Gateway (DG). (Council President Ratchford – Posted 10/09/2019)

3. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 522; An Ordinance to enact a City Property Tax abatement on the increase in property taxes caused by an increase in assessed property values resulting from certain improvements made to properties within the Downtown Development District. (Council President Ratchford – Posted 10/15/2019.)

4. Motion, Discussion and Vote on Ordinance No. 522; An Ordinance to enact a City Property Tax abatement on the increase in property taxes caused by an increase in assessed property values resulting from certain improvements made to properties within the Downtown Development District. (Council President Ratchford – Posted 10/15/2019.)

5. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 523; An Ordinance to enact a City Realty Transfer Tax waiver for first time homebuyers of properties located within the Downtown Development District (Council President Ratchford – Posted 10/15/2019.)

6. Motion, Discussion and Vote on Ordinance No. 523; An Ordinance to enact a City Realty Transfer Tax waiver for first time homebuyers of properties located within the Downtown Development District (Council President Ratchford – Posted 10/15/2019.)

7. Motion, Discussion and Vote on Resolution No. 2019-42; A Resolution to declare City Skid Steer, SN #N5M413406, as surplus property; and authorize the City Administrator to trade the Skid Steer with the City of Newark for a garbage truck. (Council President Ratchford – Posted 10/15/2019.)

Next Regular Meeting Date: November 12th, 2019
Original Agenda Posted 10/09/2019; Revised Agenda Posted 10/15/2019

Note: This agenda as listed may not be considered in sequence, including executive sessions.