City of New Castle Statement Regarding the Deceased Whale Along the Shoreline More Info

Forms and Fees

FOIA Online Form

FOIA Printable Form


To submit a Freedom of Information Form (FOIA), please download Online Form or PDF Form, then mail or drop off at the City Administration Building, 220 Delaware Street , New Castle , DE 19720 Attn: FOIA or you can scan and email to:

City Tax and Invoice Payments


City Event Applications

Parade & Public Assembly Form

$25 for residents, businesses licensed in New Castle and all nonprofits
$50 all others
Plus the actual cost of providing any requested City services.
***No fee for City, State or Federal government sponsored/co-sponsored event***

City Parade & Assembly Form (above) should be mailed or brought (with applicable fees) to the City Administration Building, 220 Delaware Street, New Castle, DE 19720 or emailed to:

Battery Park Event Applications

The Trustees of the New Castle Common issue permits for various events and activities held in Battery Park.

Please use forms below for your event in Battery Park.

City Filming Forms

City Filming Forms should be mailed or brought to the City Administration Building, 220 Delaware Street, New Castle, DE 19720 to coordinate with the City.  Preliminary fees will be assessed upon submission.  Submission of forms does not guarantee approval. 



Building Department Forms

WaiverIf your business is located within the incorporated city limits of the City of New Castle, or you do business within the City Limits you are required to obtain a City of New Castle Business License each year.  If you have any questions about whether your location is inside the incorporated City limits please call 302-322-9801 before applying for any license.  (Map of City Limits)