City of New Castle Statement Regarding the Deceased Whale Along the Shoreline More Info

Storm Water and Flood Protection

(302)STOPPIT Water Pollution HotlineReport Water Pollution 302STOPPIT

County, City, State Launch (302) STOPPIT Water Pollution Hotline

New Castle County, the City of Wilmington, and the Delaware Department of Transportation have announced the launch of the (302) STOPPIT water pollution hotline for residents to report pollution going into or coming out of the storm sewer system.

When City of New Castle residents see evidence that someone has dumped chemicals or debris into the storm sewer system, here’s what they can do:

  • Visit and fill out an online form
  • Call or send a text message to (302) STOPPIT (302.786.7748) with the location and details
  • Email with the location and details

The storm drains that line streets and parking lots connect to the storm sewer system and eventually reach local streams and rivers. For this reason, it is illegal for anyone to dispose of motor oil, household chemicals, yard waste, pet waste, or any other materials in storm drains and storm sewers. The partners will investigate all tips from residents and take appropriate action, which may include containment, cleanup, and issuing citations.


Resilient Community Workshop Presentation

City of New Castle Resilient Community Partnership Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Plan


The City of New Castle’s efforts to prevent stormwater pollution are guided by NPDES Permit Number DE0051071 and State Permit Number WPCC3063A/96. The City is a Co-Permittee for the Stormwater Pollution Prevention and Management Program with the State of Delaware and New Castle County who are the principal permittees. Below are links to their websites.


Flood Protection in our city

Real-time Flood Gage Information

FEMA Information

Elevation Certificate