City of New Castle Statement Regarding the Deceased Whale Along the Shoreline More Info

Community Wellness

How health-focused is the City of New Castle?

toolkit1The Toolkit for a Healthy Delaware, developed by the University of Delaware’s Institute for Public Administration, provides user-friendly information and tools for local governments and interested community partners for assessing our town’s/city’s opportunities for physical activity and access to healthy foods and environments.

New Castle Community Wellness Initiative:

Delaware_GreenwaysIn early 2011, the City of New Castle and Delaware Greenways kicked-off the Community Wellness Initiative. The Initiative is a community driven effort that requires involvement of all sectors of the community—from schools to community organizations to places of employment—to take action toward better health.

The Community Wellness Initiative is one of three community-based efforts aimed at changing the context in which we live our lives—our community/school/work environments, the policies in place in those environments, and the overall community systems— so that there are fewer barriers and more opportunities to make healthy choices. Read our brochure for more background on the initiative.
Current Efforts of the Wellness Initiative Include:

  • Connecting the New Castle to Wilmington Trail to adjacent neighborhoods
  • Connecting the community to fresh, local produce at the Penn Farm
  • Establishing a Community Supported Agriculture at the Penn Farm with William Penn High School
  • Identifying barriers to healthy lifestyles and building awareness of local resources


For more information regarding the Wellness Initiative read the Wellness Initiative Brochure.

Read More about the walkability and bikeability assessment conducted in March 2011.

A new no-smoking policy is in effect in all city parks.


Time Line:

  • March-May 2011 — Community assessment to identify strengths and needed improvements
  • June-August 2011 — Develop Well-ness Action Plan (5 year time horizon)
  • August 2011+ — Implementation of Action Plan and monitoring success

Be part of Improving the health of all New Castle community members by making it easier to live healthy lifestyles!

* Complete the community input survey (available at City Administrative Offices or download PDF)
* Volunteer! (Contact information below)

For more information about the initiative or to get involved, contact:

Andrea Trabelsi, Urban and Community Planner
Delaware Greenways
1910 Rockland Road
Wilmington, DE 19803

Phone: 302-655-7275
Fax: 302-655-7274