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(302)STOPPIT Water Pollution Hotline

(302)STOPPIT Water Pollution Hotline

County, City, State Launch (302) STOPPIT Water Pollution Hotline

New Castle County, the City of Wilmington, and the Delaware Department of Transportation have announced the launch of the (302) STOPPIT water pollution hotline for residents to report pollution going into or coming out of the storm sewer system.

When City of New Castle residents see evidence that someone has dumped chemicals or debris into the storm sewer system, here’s what they can do:

  • Visit and fill out an online form
  • Call or send a text message to (302) STOPPIT (302.786.7748) with the location and details
  • Email with the location and details

The storm drains that line streets and parking lots connect to the storm sewer system and eventually reach local streams and rivers. For this reason, it is illegal for anyone to dispose of motor oil, household chemicals, yard waste, pet waste, or any other materials in storm drains and storm sewers. The partners will investigate all tips from residents and take appropriate action, which may include containment, cleanup, and issuing citations.

“If you don’t want to drink it, it doesn’t belong in the storm sewer system,” said Brian Urbanek with the Delaware Department of Transportation. “So report it when you see it at 302STOPPIT.’”

New Castle Department of Special Services environmental compliance officer Mike Harris says the double “”p” in 302STOPPIT stands for “prevent pollution.” “The new hotline makes it possible for all residents to make a difference right in their own neighborhood,” he said.

Herb White, of the City of Wilmington Public Works Department, reminds citizens that dumping chemicals or debris into the storm drain is a crime. “Help us fight crime in your neighborhood by placing a simple phone call,” he said.

Dirty stormwater runoff from streets and parking lots is one of the leading causes of pollution in local creeks and the Christiana and Delaware Rivers. The (302) STOPPIT hotline is one of many projects that New Castle County and the City of Wilmington are investing in to control this problem.

About the Partners
The Delaware Department of Transportation strives to make every trip taken in Delaware safe, reliable and convenient for people and commerce. DelDOT is responsible for state roads — and the storm drains along these roads.

The New Castle County Department of Special Services is responsible for administration, engineering, environmental services, and internal services for New Castle County.

The City of Wilmington Department of Public Works provides a variety of services which touch the daily lives of all city residents and a substantial portion of New Castle County residents.

Water Words That Work coordinated the joint effort between the state and local governments to create the 302STOPPIT hotline.