Meetings & Events

City Council Meeting

09/12/2023 - 07:00 PM
Location: New Castle Senior Center
Address: 400 South Street
New Castle, DE 19720

City of New Castle Delaware

City Council Regular Meeting

New Castle Senior Center*

400 South Street, New Castle, DE 19720

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

7:00 p.m.

9/12/2023 City Council Meeting

9/12/2023 City Council Meeting Minutes


Roll Call

 Minutes: August 8, 2023 Minutes, August 21, 2023 Special Meeting Minutes, and August 28, 2023 Special Meeting Minutes

Staff Reports

Approval of Treasurer’s Report

Reports from the City Administrator & Staff

Council Communications

Business from the Mayor

Business from the Council President

Public Comments (concerning agenda items and general public comments)

Proclamation– Constitution Week, Commemorating the 236th Anniversary of the Drafting of the        Constitution of the United States of America

Proclamation-Celebrating Bridgewater Jewelers 140th anniversary

 Old Business:

  1. Council Discussion of the City of New Castle Transportation Plan prepared by Wilmapco for the purposes of developing a path forward for implementation. (Councilperson Day posted 9/5/2023)

 New Business:


  1. Council Discussion, Motion and Possible Vote on Resolution 2023-27; A Resolution to Approve the FY-2022 Financial Audit. (Posted 9/5/2023) 
  1. Tourism Director Presentation (Councilperson Souder posted 9/5/2023) 
  1. Council Discussion, Possible Motion, and Vote on Resolution 2023-28 Extending the term of the Playground Committee (Councilperson Souder posted 9/5/2023)
  1. Council Discussion, Possible Motion, and Vote on Resolution 2023-29 , Appointing David Atherton to the MSC Commission (Councilperson Souder posted 9/5/2023) 
  1. Council Discussion, Possible Motion, and Vote on Resolution 2023-30, appointing Adrienne Indellini to the Board of elections. (Councilperson Zubaca posted 9/5/2023)
  1. First Reading of Ordinance No. 541 an ordinance to amend section 58-2 to dedicate one seat on the Planning Commission to a representative of the Good Will Fire Company (Councilperson Day posted 9/5/2023) 

      7.  First Reading of Ordinance No. 542 an Ordinance to Amend Chapter A236 Affirmative Action – A236-1 Intent and A236-3 Promotion of equal opportunity programs to            eliminate discrimination. (Councilperson Zeltt posted 9/5/2023)


Next Regular Meeting Date: September 12, 2023

Posted: 09/05/2023

Note: This agenda as listed may not be considered in sequence, including executive sessions.

*You can also view the meeting online at the address below. A clickable link is available on the City website at

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Enter Password: 041133

You can also listen to the meeting via telephone by calling one of the phone numbers below and entering the meeting ID and password when prompted. (Long distance rates may apply.)

(301) 715-8592 or (646) 558-8656.
Webinar ID: 871 5960 0813   Passcode: 041133