City of New Castle Statement Regarding the Deceased Whale Along the Shoreline More Info

Finance, Administration and Human Resources

Finance Department

Administrative Office
220 Delaware Street
New Castle, DE 19720
Open to Public, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Finance Department: The City of New Castle Finance Department is responsible for the City’s banking, the preparation and payment of bills, the collection of revenues (including property taxes), the overall maintenance of financial, grants and budgetary records.

Finance: The City’s current operating budget is $6.4 million and is monitored with expenses controlled utilizing Edmunds MCSJ software.

Property Tax Exemptions: The City offers an Over-65 property tax exemption and a Disability exemption. Both exemptions require that residency and certain maximum yearly income requirements (single $15,000 and married $30,000) be met in order to qualify. Proof of disability is required. Individuals must apply to the City in person. To schedule an interview, contact Diane Delgado at 322-9804. Interviews can be scheduled at the convenience of the applicant, from January 15th through May 1st. Upon approval, the exemption remains in effect until ownership changes. The City, however, reserves the right to maintain updated files and review current residence and income status.

WaiverProperty Taxes: The City’s fiscal year operates from 7/01 through 6/30. The current property tax rate of $1.20 per $100 of assessed property value was set on 6/27/2024, which reflects no increase in the rate since 2009. City tax bills are mailed out in mid-July of each year. A 2% discount is available if payment is received by August 31st. During the month of September, the base tax amount is due. A 6% penalty is assessed on unpaid taxes as of October 1st, with an additional 1.5% per month accrued on all unpaid taxes.

Courtaney Taylor
Finance Coordinator
(302) 322-9804

Administration and Human Resources Departments

Administration Department:
Providing support to the City Administrator, elected officials, committees/commissions, personnel are responsible for maintaining the City’s correspondence, archive files, agenda posting, meeting scheduling and FOIA compliance.

Human Resources (HR):

The Human Resources Department consists of a full-time HR Specialist who works in conjunction with the City Administrator.

The HR department handles a wide-range of functions and is instrumental in providing payroll and record keeping, recruiting, hiring, background testing, safety training, worker compensation reporting and labor law compliance for the FOP and AFSCME unions.
Effective June 2014, payroll services were outsourced to ADP.

The City participates in DFIT (DeLea Founders Insurance Trust) and is self-insured under the worker compensation insurance. The City is enrolled in the State of Delaware Health Care Program and participates in the Police and Municipal General Employee pension plans administered by the State of Delaware. The department can be reached at 322-7489.

Diane Delgado
Finance/Human Resources Specialist
(302) 322-7489

Lisa Johnson
Secretary II
(302) 322-9801